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How To Get Your Best Night's Sleep Away From Home

Posted On: August 07, 2019


Whether its a weekend trip to a nearby city or tour of Europe, being well rested while traveling is always important. Nothing is worse than being fatigued on vacation and not having enough energy to fully experience a new and exciting environment. A wide array of factors can affect how we sleep away from home, including jet lag, an unfamiliar daily rhythm or an uncomfortable hotel room.

You don’t have to accept restless nights and tired mornings in hotels; a few quick tips can show you how to feel well-rested and ready to go!


Prepare Early

Start planning to get good sleep long before your first night while traveling, especially when crossing multiple time zones. A few days before your trip, try adjusting your sleep schedule to the timezone of your new destination. This will minimize any shock to your body’s circadian rhythm so you won’t feel exhausted during the day when you arrive.

While at the airport, drink plenty of water and avoid any sugary snacks or excess amounts of caffeine that will prevent sleep on an overnight flight.


Pack Smart

When packing for a trip, don’t just think about the outfits you will wear each day. Consider packing your own sheets for a number of reasons. Having a familiar set of sheets at the end of a long day will make your hotel room feel a little bit more like home and make it more comfortable to fall asleep.

Additionally, Packing candles or essential oils from home that your body naturally associates with sleep will help activate your sleep rhythm. Investing in a quality travel pillow to pack in your carry-on will make sleeping on an airplane or train much easier.


The Perfect Location

When considering how to get a better night’s sleep on vacation, put serious thought into your hotel, hostel, etc. Look at photos of the rooms to ensure they will be suitable for your resting environment. Be on the lookout for quality curtains, mattresses and air conditioning units.

Additionally, enquire about any construction or renovations either at the hotel or nearby that will disrupt your sleep schedule. Keep in mind that rooms closer to the bottom of hotels are much likelier to be noisy with people constantly coming and going.


Bedtime Routine

While traveling is often very exciting, it can bring about anxiety too. Planning out tours, trying to find time for various sights, and scheduling transportation can all cause stress while on vacation.

To minimize distractions, establish a bedtime routine that can include a warm bath, reflection or reading a book. A good bedtime routine will help your body wind down and lead to a healthier sleep schedule. If you have a routine you follow at home, bring that with you as best as you can.


Traveling and finding new adventures is fun but can be exhausting. Instead of letting a lack of quality sleep ruin your vacation, spend a little extra effort to ensure you get your best night’s sleep away from home.

By Morgan Taylor



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